Not just another book launch!
This is a celebration of work, rest & play.
I’ve been a writer for many years, and I became a speaker, coach and facilitator of empowerment workshops six years ago so the opportunity to join my two worlds is exciting.
You can join me at any (or all!) of FOUR launch events to mark this milestone.
Thirroul NSW
Sydney NSW
Brisbane QLD
Melbourne VIC
What would it feel like to have the zing of achievement, without the need to constantly push for more?
With burnout on the rise globally, a delicious antidote is needed.
I learnt this the hard way. After being fired as a journalist at The Australian Women’s Weekly when I was a solo mum, I was propelled beyond stress and straight to Burn Out Town.
Addicted to stress and self-soothing with whatever I could, I realised at the heart of it was the ingrained conditioning that success proved you were a worthy human and should be attained at all costs.
But a chance comment about making life more like a Mars Bar changed how I saw life forever. Deciding life should not feel like a constant uphill marathon, my new mission centred around creating an ambitious life that still felt good to live.
That’s how The Chocolate Bar Life was created.
Let's celebrate the delicious balance between work, rest & play!
In my work with high-achieving humans, I saw the same issues playing out time and again, and a philosophy was born which was shared on stages and in coaching sessions until I was encouraged to share my work with the world.
This book is filled with raw and relatable stories, client stories, research and practical, actionable tips, so you can take back control of time, have sustainable ambition and whole life success.
I invite you to now come & celebrate this magnificent moment with me.
This is more than a book launch, it’s a SHEBANG!
To honour the elements of work, rest and play together we will share:
- A cacao ceremony because THE CHOCOLATE BAR LIFE
- A tasty beverage
- Abundant grazing
- A joyful conversation with me and the MC of the evening
- A restorative sound journey
- A frolic into play
- Many moments of connection
- A book signing to receive your copy
About the author
Danielle ColleyÂ
I’m an author, speaker, business owner, integrative life coach, event facilitator, mother, daughter, partner, the list goes on – you know how it goes! The big secret is: I’ve also been a burnt out, struggling solo parent who despaired of keeping all of the balls in the air.
After a lot of work, study and experience coaching hundreds of men and women like you, I’m here to help you to feel confident to make bold moves, have the capacity for empowered conversations, no longer feel like an imposter and ensure that your life feels as good as it looks on paper.
Buy the book >

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